Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A picture a day?

I often say that when Cora died, I came to the sudden realization that you can't be happy living only for the future.  I was miserable throughout that pregnancy (but come on, pregnancy really sucks for me), and told myself that "I will be happy when the baby gets here."  And then, of course, she wasn't.  And I've always felt a little guilty for not appreciating the time with her that I had when I had it.  Which is why the subtitle of my blog is "trying to find a miracle in each new day."  But lately I've been wondering if I really have been trying to find a miracle every day.  I think I've become very complacent.  I mean, I really am truly grateful for what I have and this life I've got, but I've just been, I don't know, coasting.

So I've decided that this year, I'm going to try to take a picture every day.  Just one.  It'll be "trying to photograph a miracle in each new day."

So today? My little Allison, checking out the Joann's add.  Apparently my craftiness has been passed on.

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