Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 12
We went to IKEA. Matt had to return something, so we went up to the showroom for the kids' stuff to wait for dinner.
Allison decided to make sock soup
and cuddled a puppy
March 13
Allison fell asleep on the way home from IKEA, so I just put her to bed in her clothes. This was her when I went to get her up the next morning.
March 14
Erin got her hair cut!
March 15
75 degrees means no jackets. And sidewalk chalk!
He drew Darth Vader (or Darss Mader, as he says)
March 16
I'm a redhead!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fun stuff

March 7
Matt helped out with the childcare for the Relief Society birthday celebration, so, of course, my kids were there.  At the end they came out to get some ice cream and cake
March 8
We went to the mall to try to find me some shoes to go with the dress I got for Easter.  Allison was being goofy as we waited for people to go to the bathroom (of course, the goofiness stopped when the camera came out
March 9th
Erin helped make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm not doing so well with the "every day" thing, am I?

February 26th
Playing in the snow
February 27th
Allison's 18 months old!
Missed the 28th
March 1st
Dancing together
March 2nd
Erin waiting in line for the pinata at a birthday party
Missed the 3rd & 4th
March 5th
The girls got crowns as a happy meal toy, and both insisted I try one on. And then Erin had to take a picture.
March 6
Checking out the lobsters at Red Lobster at our annual bonus celebration dinner