Saturday, November 17, 2012

Too long

I just realized it's been 2 1/2 months since my last blog post.  And that makes me a little sad.  And looking at previous blog posts, it makes me even sadder.  I read all these great blogs and get involved in people's lives, and then you see mine and there's really very little of me there.  When I do post, there are pictures of my cute kids and a little of what went on, but you don't get *me,* you know?  So I'm going to try to post more often and post more personally.  Because in the end, I want people to know me, the mom behind the adorable kids. Maybe that's a little vain, but hey, I'm a person too.

Anyway, I didn't realize just how much having my thyroid levels so out of whack for so long was really affecting me.  I've finally been on a consistent dose for a while now (almost 3 months?), and I feel like I'm coming back to life.  6 months of changing it every 6 weeks took its toll I guess.  Luckily it's before the holidays.

I've been realizing lately just how much holiday traditions mean to me.  I think Matt and I have finally gotten into a good compromise of how his family did things and how my family did.  And we came up with a couple of our own, too, I think.  It all grew organically though, so I can't really separate out what is his and what is mine and what is ours, which I guess is good.

One of the things that is *mine* though is the crafty stuff.  I love making holiday crafty things with the kids.  I guess it's a way that we can all spend time together and do something that isn't completely mind-numbing (candyland anyone? >_<)  Anyway, this year I decided that I missed my mother's Christmas village and saw the buildings at Michael's and went ahead and bought some.  And of course I had to buy something for Erin and Patrick to paint.  So we made a mess today.
But everyone had fun and that's what matters. ((I'm going to try to hand the camera off to Erin more often so that I can be in the pictures.  I feel like that's one of the reasons I feel so lost...because I'm never there....))

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